Over 1,000,000 PCs benchmarked
Below is a list of factors to take in consideration when viewing or using the benchmark graphs.
While we do perform some in house benchmarking, nearly all of the results in the graphs are data sent to us by users of the PerformanceTest software. Approximately 500 new benchmark results arrive daily and each night we incorporate all the new results into the graphs if applicable. This means that the current top value will change over time.
If there is suspicion of manipulation or cheating. PassMark may remove or exclude the baseline from the charts. The daily update to the charts are automated. While we do our best to keep the charts orderly, we do not have the resources to continuously monitor the submissions around the clock. If you suspect an invalid baseline, you can contact us via email.
Some individuals have contacted us to tell that we have messed up and duplicated PC Systems appear in the graph multiple times. To the best of our knowledge this is not the case. There are measures in place to prevent multiple submissions from the same machine, but it is not fool proof. In some cases, we do allow subsequent submissions from the same machine if the scores differ than a previous result significantly. In other cases, it is possible that multiple users have the same or very similar setup of parts.
In general, the bigger the number the faster the PC System. The overall Passmark Rating is not an average or a sum of the sub scores. This rating is limited by the weakest component in the system. So even if you had an extremely really fast CPU but only average memory and HDD then your overall score would still only be average. The current formula for determining PassMark rating can be found in the following forum thread.
Further reading on the PassMark Rating from PerformanceTest can be located in the FAQ, Interpreting your Results from PerformanceTest
Prices or links to external online retailers for computer components are obtained from our affiliates: Amazon.com and Newegg.com. Prices are not in real time and are only updated once daily using affiliates provided API. Pricing inaccuracy may exists when incorrect product matching occurs or the seller changes their price outside of the update window.
The results have been collected over several years using PerformanceTest V8.0, V9.0 and V10.0. Changes between versions
can be found on the in the change log. Additional
information can be found in the following FAQs as well;
Do My Results From PerformanceTest V10 Differ From My Previous Results?"
Do My Results From PerformanceTest V9 Differ From My Previous Results?"